Business Loans
Choose from an array of business loans and financial products to meet the needs of your business.
View Business loan OffersChoose from an array of business loans and financial products to meet the needs of your business.
View Business loan OffersWhen it comes to business loans in New Zealand, choosing a lender is no easy task.
We’ve chosen some of the most reliable and flexible business lenders for you to consider.
Whether you’re starting a business, or revamping a current business, it’s expensive and slightly daunting. If you're looking for business loans in New Zealand, we can help you choose the best lender on the market in minutes!
With that said it’s also exciting and should be more of that than scary. Lenders understand that people find themselves in a position often, and would rather take the negative part out of it by assisting with the tricky bits of lending money to get the ideal business plan underway!
Entrepreneurial success is around the corner, but funds are nowhere to be seen. There is a lot involved when it’s time to get a business started and the funding is the biggest hurdle. It doesn’t have to be a hurdle though if you understand what’s needed and do some research into the steps you need to take to apply for a loan that will turn your dream into a reality.
It’s a requirement from most lenders that you have prepared a detailed and appealing business plan. For business loan approval, this part is essential, but it’s also the backbone of the planning stage for your business so you should already have a good idea of how to put this together. A lender will take your business plan as seriously as you take it, so be sure to have every facet to the business considered, discussed and laid out in your plan. It helps them determine the ideal finance option for you be this a peer-to-peer loan or a traditional business loan.
A common mistake that people make is to apply for a short-term loan to help their business without considering what caused the cash shortage in the first place. If you apply for a loan simply to assist with cash flow, without determining the reasons behind the shortage in cash flow, the chances are that you could run into the same problem again.
If the cashflow shortage lies with something else that you need to solve, then be sure to do that first before applying for a business loan, because there might be better suited options that don’t require you to take out a business loan. If, however, it’s a new business you’re starting up, or revamping, then following a strict process in terms of lending and figures is what’s going to help you the most.
Determining how much you need to borrow is paramount to avoiding a future business loan if you were to land up in financial trouble. You don’t want to borrow too little or too much. Don’t’ be greedy either, if you qualify for more, don’t necessarily take it, apply only for the amount you need and a small percentage more for “in case”. The next step is to identify how much you can afford monthly toward a loan repayment. Consider the total amount which includes interest.
Online calculators are great when determining affordability and repayment terms. Use them to help you and your business! You can also make use of loan comparison sites to help you find the most competitive deals on the market.
You can still choose to go for an unsecured loan if the amount isn’t that big. Just remember that unsecured loans mean higher rates. If you choose a fixed rate, your business is safe within it’s budget. Variable rates are not advised for businesses that go through difficult cashflow cycles.
If you have a financial advisor, we recommend you use them. They will easily be able to tell you what the best move is in terms of applying for a business loan and even advise you on whether a personal loan or alternative source of funding can be used if you do not qualify for a business loan. When you put your business plan together, let them read through it and ensure that you have included the profit and loss budget, as well as a cashflow forecast. Past and future projections must be included and you will see how all these factors greatly count towards the approval of your future business loan.
That’s a good question and the answer is yes. Banks and other private lenders will assess you business’s risk profile when considering loan approval. They’ll search for any red flags and any other factors that might influence the risk factor.
Risk assessments include the nature of your security offered as collateral, they assess your affordability for repaying the loan and whether your disposable income could potentially pose as a cash flow risk. Lastly, they will look into the ability to repay the loan as a whole. If any of these factors come up questionable, you might need to make some changes before the process can continue.
All you need to do is find a lender that you can trust. New Zealanders have been known to first check with their current bank for a business loan product since all their other products are with them. Generally, you can expect to receive favoured interest rates as well as a quicker and easier process in terms of paperwork since they have all your details on record.
Others, however, have turned to private lenders or online loans for their great deals in the market and their savvy in the business loan model for those starting up new businesses. The point is that as soon as you choose the right lender for you, the rest is quite straight forward in terms of how to apply. You’ll find online loan applications and lenders that will guide you through the process from start to finish. Just make sure you have all your financials and credentials in place!